WFC 23 : UprisingV nedeljo 17. februarja se v Ljubljano vrača borilni spektakel WFC, ki bo v Hali Tivoli priredil že 23. izvedbo največjega borilnega dogodka v Sloveniji. Gledalci bodo v enem večeru lahko videli borbe v MMA, K-1 ter premierno boks in nastop...

It's all set in stone now, the fighters have passed the last test before the big night. The showdown will happen tomorrow in the legendary Hala...

The temperature is rising before the event takes off on Saturday night in Ljubljana. Fighters are making last-minute adjustments ahead of weekend's...

See the fighters in action live as they took on the streets of Ljubljana prior to the event on May 19 in Hala Tivoli, Ljubljana. Make sure...

Boom! Some last minute excitement on the WFC 22 fight card as Ivica Truscek returns to the organization that was once his home base. 30-year old...

Mladen Kujundzic, well experienced Croatian kickboxer, is making his MMA return at WFC 22 in Ljubljana next Saturday, May 19. Stepping in as a...

Ever wondered how sparring looks like on a daily basis when you're a professional athlete? Austrian Gym 23 facilities in Vienna are home to some of...

WFC se dober teden pred velikim dogodkom v Hali Tivoli seli v središče Ljubljane. V petek 11. maja se bodo na Stritarjevi ulici pod...
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